Online Short Courses/Core Peus

Each of the 2 hour/$70 courses are worth 1 St. Louis Co. Mechanical and/or Plumbing Core PEU upon completion. The 4 hour/$180.00 Asbestos O&M Refresher and the 4 hour/$180 DOT HAZMAT course are worth 2 PEUs each.

NEW USERS register by filling in the necessary information during the purchase process. Enter your username in this format (Firstname.Lastname example: John.Smith) and choose a password. Write them down somewhere secure. Be careful to keep them safe, they will allow you to track your progress and access your results (including your certificates). You’ll need to use your legal first and last names as you register no matter what the name is on the credit card, these will be placed on your certificate upon completion of your course(s). After purchase, go to the “My Account ” page found on the main menu bar. Find your course and click on the title.

For help getting started, click “Getting Started” up on the main menu up above.

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